When the accident injures. The judge group hears the opinion of the doctor. The doctor Examines the injury, and decides a treatment way.
When the injury can be treated by the injured himself within 1 minute. (It doesn't give competitor a point).
When the doctor treats the injury within 3 minutes , it gives competitor KOHKA-point.
When the treatment doesn't end within 3 minutes, referee stops contest.
To establish a standard of safety, the following shall be considered as "HANSOKU (FOUL)".
First HANSOKU (HANSOKU-1(ichi)) is a warning and does not result in a loss point. But if both competitors can not get any point until the end of the match, a competitor who has no HANSOKU will win.
2 times HANSOKU (HANSOKU-2(ni)) result in opponent’s KOHKA point.
3 times HANSOKU(HANSOKU-3(san)) result in opponent’s YUKOU point.
The competitor who commits 4(yon) times HANSOKUs result in SHIKKAKU(DISQUALIFICATION ) and opponent get WAZA-ARI point.
"HANSOKU- 4(yon)" means "the fourth violating the rules" in Japanese.= It becomes a loss on a foul from the DISQUALIFICATION.